
Stretch Marks

Walter and Woodrow - One day old!

The Lowdown
It's time to talk about stretch marks. Firstly: it's never too early to start hydrating that belly!! No, there is no magic trick to avoiding those dreaded stretch marks, but I think it's important to apply something to your belly (or butt, boobs, thighs really anywhere you might be gaining some extra love!) early and often.  I used two products religiously morning and night everyday from the time I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks to 37 weeks! I alternated between Bio-Oil (I got the big 200mL bottle from Shopper's Drug Mart with availability from Walmart and Amazon too) and Matter Company's Substance Belly Jelly (I picked up the 8oz tin from West Coast Kids with availability from Snugglebugz, Well.ca, and Matter Company's website). 

The Goods
Bio-oil is clinically proven to limit the appearance of stretch marks
Bio-Oil is much advertised and is an award winning formula comprised of ingredients that help restore natural oils that keep your skin supple. It comes in liquid form so applying it on your body can be tricky since it can potentially stain some clothing. It is also the more expensive of my two choices but it is a proven solution. 

Belly Jelly smells great and is healthy for you too
The Belly Jelly is a natural product made with Shea Butter, Oats, and Lavender. It comes in a more solid form but once you warm it up in your hands, it melts away into a paste that you can apply on your area of choice. Both products smell natural and sweet and after a while, it started to become a comforting smell! You don't need much ... I would say you need the size of a quarter for each body part you want to apply it to. Yes I did still get stretch marks but I couldn't imagine what they would be like after having the twins if I didn't stick with these products! Also keep using after you have your baby, the oils in these two products continue to help soothe and tone your skin after it stops stretching. Stretch marks are not pleasant and preventing them or mitigating their nastiness can go a long way in helping your self esteem. 

What to expect when you're expecting... 
Stretch marks! You may already know what they look like, but the simplest way to describe them are purple worm-looking veins. They are bright purple and since some studies show that stretch marks are hereditary, when they appear will really depend. Mine didn't show up until after I had the boys. I describe it like this... you know how after you blow up a balloon and then you deflate it and it gets all wrinkley and full of ripples? Well that's what happened to my stomach ðŸ˜‚. My stretch marks are now getting lighter in colour and I have attributed that to my strict regiment of applying these oils. I'm not sure I will ever wear a bikini anymore (maybe a high-wasted one!) but it's definitely nice to know that I'm getting my old body back! The boys are 4 months old now and I still use it 3-4 times a week. 

Choose Lemonade
This one is obvious... stretch marks may get you down, but look on the bright side: there are tools out there to help your skin to bounce back after the babies inevitably stretch your belly out. Wear your baby bump as a badge of honour and keep hydrating your skin throughout and after pregnancy! My husband has noticed that my stretch marks have gotten significantly better since I've religiously applied these two products... yours can look better too!

**(Twin) Tip **

You are going to get big, maybe bigger than mothers carrying singletons... but that's okay! Embrace it and be proud that you are carrying not one but two beautiful babies!!

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